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Real Estate - Single Family Rental Pro-Forma Template

Real Estate - Single Family Rental Pro-Forma Template

Regular price $35.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $35.00 USD
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This real estate financial model is a dynamic tool designed to analyze the purchasing, renting, and selling of single detached housing units. It is robust yet user-friendly, encompassing just seven tabs. Its efficient, intuitive design allows for completion in as little as half an hour, optimizing user productivity.

The model provides essential return metrics such as levered internal rate of return (IRR), equity multiple, and cash-on-cash returns, among others. These metrics furnish a detailed view of the investment's potential profitability. The model, operating on a monthly basis, is delivered as a fully unlocked Excel file with transparent formulas, enabling customization to meet the unique requirements of your project.

Model Structure:

  • Summary: This tab is the primary input area for all investment-related information, with subsequent tabs dedicated to output and calculations. It captures comprehensive details like property specifics, investment timeline, acquisition, and operating costs, sales forecasts, financing arrangements, and overall project scheduling.
  • CapEx and Reserve Tab: This tab calculates the capital expenditure (CapEx) and CapEx reserve schedules, outlining the investment required for property improvements and maintenance reserves.
  • Monthly Cash Flow Tab: Central to the model, this tab aggregates all assumptions and budgetary details to forecast monthly cash flows. It provides a detailed monthly view of cash inflows and outflows, offering a transparent financial overview of the project.
  • Waterfall: This sheet calculates equity cash flow distributions between the sponsor and investors. It features adjustable settings for two-, three-, or four-tier cash flow distributions, enhancing its adaptability.
  • Annual CF and Annual Waterfall: These tabs provide annual summaries of the monthly cash flow and waterfall calculations, offering a yearly financial performance perspective.


  • Data entry is required in cells formatted in dark blue within the Investment Summary and Budgets sheets. Formula-driven cells, indicated by black text, should remain unchanged.
  • A sample property is included for demonstration purposes and should be replaced with details specific to your project.
  • The model is designed flexibly, accommodating project expansions of up to 10 years.
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